Xilinx’s built-in IP repository is also available at the HDL level, but I really recommend using it in the block design if you are going to use it since the block design editor in Vivado offers automated design assistance in wiring blocks together as you drop them in. To launch SDK after exporting the hardware design, go to File → Launch SDK → and again, leave location options as . compatible = "simple-framebuffer"; #address-cells =, i2c1@2 { // HDMI Interface Connector te_audio: dummy_codec_te { reg =, ; // 720p The paper walks you through the basic steps require to design any system. // Custom driver based on spdif-transmitter PetaLinux will create a top level folder the same name as the project name you pass it with the ‘-name’ option to place the project in. Vivado Tutorial Introduction This tutorial guides you through the design flow using Xilinx Vivado software to create a simple digital circuit using Verilog HDL. The boot image file will live in the on-board flash memory of the ZynqBerry, which can be loaded using SDK using Program Flash Memory. This means you don’t have to cram everything into one file, as you constraints can get pretty lengthy for some designs. This lab introduces a design flow of profiling an application, determine which function to port to hardware, generate an IP-XACT adapter from a design using Vivado HLS and use the generated IP-XACT adapter in a processor system using IP Integrator in Vivado. This step is a lot of watching and waiting. #address-cells =, /{ This Paper describes basics steps to start designing system with Xilinx Vivado design suite. 12_Vivado Design Flow.pdf - Vivado Design Flow u00a9... School Istanbul Technical University; Course Title UUM 540E; Uploaded By ProfDonkeyPerson281 command will list all al the available devices u-boot sees. You will use Vivado HLS in GUI mode to create a project. label = "bootenv"; Vivado Design Flows Overview Design Flows Overview UG888 (v2020.1) July 8, 2020 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 6 Other users prefer to run the FPGA design process more like a source file compilation, to simply compile the sources, implement the design, and report the results. When creating a new PetaLinux project, I personally like to create it in the same folder as my Vivado project, so I will change directories into that folder prior to running the following command to create the project. In a sense, the kernel is basically the glue between the operating system and the hardware. To use the source files for each of the labs in this workshop, you have to clone this repository from XUP Github. Objectives sound-dai =, simple-audio-card,codec { sound-dai =, &audio_axi_i2s_adi_0 { reg =, ; Even though I am ultimately using PetaLinux to create an embedded Linux image for the ZynqBerry, the first stage bootloader to launch the Linux kernel is a bare metal application that is created in SDK. compatible = "removed-dma-pool"; In Vivado, it treats anything imported into that ‘Constraints’ folder as a whole set. Larger FPGAs lead to more difficult design issues Users integrating more functionality into the FPGA Use of multiple hard logic objects (block RAMs, GTs, DSP slices, and microprocessors, for I’ve been happy with it since, but with all the hype from the new Raspberry Pi 4 I was reminded that I needed to pick it back up and finish the device tree build out for the rest of the peripherals such as the HDMI port, etc. For this design in particular, since the ZynqBerry is being booted from the SD card, u-boot needs to have the block number of the SD card configured into it for where to load the device tree and kernel from. status = "okay"; #interrupt-cells =, i2cmux0: i2cmux@70 { The set environment commands above all assume a device node of 0, but if the SD card’s node number is different then the u-boot boot arguments and boot command will need to be changed to reflect that, as well as the kernel will also need to be reconfigured to look for the proper device node number. The theoretical content is supplemented by exercises carried out by the participant. // 128M (R modules) reg =, ; This is where the special JTAG FSBL comes in to bring up the ZynqBerry initially to be able to program the QSPI flash memory. This JTAG FSBL is also used by the system debugger in SDK if debugging a bare metal application (which is done via JTAG). The first partition is the fat32 where the kernel image and the device tree it will reference will live (UG1144 recommends a minimum of 60MB), and the second partition is the ext4 for the root file system. sudo cp, /images/linux/rootfs.tar.gz -C /media/rootfs, command is used to modify the necessary settings. The device tree in Linux serves as a database of properties of all the hardware devices for the kernel to use while it manages how/when the OS accesses each device. If I need to update the block design, I re-enable the auto-created HDL wrapper and set it back as the top before going into the block design to modify it. #sound-dai-cells =, The boot image file will live in the on-board flash memory of the ZynqBerry, which can be loaded using SDK using. The packaging command from the previous step will output to the BOOT.bin to /images/linux. Like always, I have created a GitHub repo with the specific design files for my project you can find here! }; Behavioral Simulation -Performs behavioral simulation for your design. Non‐Project Mode The Vivado tools also let you work with the design in memory, … You will simulate, synthesize, and implement the provided design. From Vivado GUI, select Create Block Design to launch Vivado IP Integrator. I personally like to use GParted to format my SD cards, and I also like to leave a few MB of unallocated space ahead of the first partition. partition@0x00000000 { Since the ZynqBerry will be booting from an SD card, the only things that need to be packaged into the boot image file are the normal first stage bootloader (NOT the one for JTAG bring up), FPGA bitstream, and u-boot. This option is relevant to if/when the block design needs to be updated later on. compatible = "simple-framebuffer"; Before editing these setting however, the block number of the device (SD card) needs to be verified. Copy over the kernel image and device tree to the BOOT directory: Exact the root file system into the rootfs directory: The Universal Boot Loader, u-boot, is the primary bootloader for Linux that the Zynq FSBL (the bare metal application created in SDK) kicks off in the overall boot sequence. status = "okay"; For that, do the following: Working as a full-time SDR/FPGA engineer, but making time for the fun projects at home. Product updates, events, and resources in your inbox, Clinical Defibrillators & Automated External Defibrillators, Diagnostic & Clinical Endoscopy Processing, UltraFast Design Methodology for the Vivado Design Suite - Introduction and Overview, Using Vivado Design Suite with Revision Control, Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite, Xilinx User Community Forums - Design Entry, Xilinx User Community Forums - Design Planning, Xilinx User Community Forums - Hierarchical Design. Looks like you have no items in your shopping cart. This lab comprises 8 primary steps: You will create a new project in Vivado HLS, run simulation, run debug, synthesize the design, open an analysis perspective, run RTL co-simulation, view simulation results using Vivado and XSim, and export and implement the design in Vivado HLS. In order for the block design and HDL to interface, a top level HDL wrapper is needed. Vivado System-Level Design Flows Overview This user guide provides an overview of working with the Vivado ® Design Suite to create a new design for programming into a Xilinx® device . In Vivado, there are a ton of pre-packed IP (intellectual property) blocks to cover a ton of basic functionalities for you to utilize such that you can focus more so on the custom parts of your design instead of re-inventing the wheel over and over again on things like UART drivers, SPI interfaces, etc. The ZynqBerry actually needs two first stage bootloaders: the normal FSBL to store in flash memory and launch the Linux kernel located on the SD card, and a second special ZSBL to bring up the ZynqBerry via JTAG to allow for us to program the normal FSBL into flash memory. The ‘. implementation. compatible = "removed-dma-pool"; The most error-proof method I have personally found to go about this is that I select the option to allow for Vivado to manage the HDL wrapper, then create my own module in Project Manager by selecting ‘Add Sources’ → ‘Add or Create Design Source’ and I simply copy+paste the instantiation from the auto-generated wrapper file into my own. no-map; We’ll then also tell u-boot to first load the kernel, followed by the device tree for the kernel to index the hardware, then continue on with the boot up. Vivado FPGA Design Flow on Zynq. Once the design passed validation, I save and close the block design. #sound-dai-cells =, simple-audio-card,cpu { partition@0x00fa0000 { //reg =. Vivado Design Flow - LIVE ONLINE. label = "spare"; compatible = "ulpi-phy"; Vivado HLS Design Flow Lab Introduction This lab provides a basic introduction to high-level synthesis using the Vivado HLS tool flow. Hi All, I am learning vivado design flow. #address-cells =, id_eeprom@50 { ranges; . I personally like to split it up by having one file for my timing constraints/clock creations, then I put all of my pinouts in a second file. {Lab, Demo} Vivado Design Rule Checks – Run a DRC report on the elaborated design to detect design issues early in the flow. ; // 720p The Vivado Design Suite creates an in-memory design database to pass to synthesis, simulation, and implementation. Again, the above PetaLinux configuration command will launch a GUI to make these selections in. 3. reg =, ; //reg =, ; // 720p After looking into. To enter the u-boot editor environment, you have to catch it at just the right moment in the boot sequence, as you can only enter the u-boot editor during the time in which u-boot is the active component in the boot sequence. ; // 720p I quickly found that I needed an embedded Linux image in order to utilize the Ethernet port and four USB ports on it which led to previous post, . Using Vivado ECO Flow to Replace Existing Debug Probes..... 255. }; All of these settings are the same between this full build out of the ZynqBerry and my previous post where I was just focused on interfacing with the Ethernet port, which you can find, reserved-memory { Vivado ICTP 1 . Vivado ECO TCL Flow to Replace Existing Debug Probes.....262 Step 14 — Prep and load SD card with Linux kernel and root file system. usb_phy0: usb_phy@0 { In addition to the traditional register transfer level (RTL)-to-bitstream FPGA design flow, the Vivado Design Suite provides new system-level integration flows that focus on intellectual property (IP)-centric design. Argentina . reg =, ; After the design is routed in implementation, the setup and hold timing of all paths within the FPGA fabric are calculated. When you do have multiple files in your constraints set, you do need to specify one as your ‘target’ constraints file (if there is only one, then Vivado sets it as the target by default). This prompted me to want to put together an outline of my design flow for FPGA development from start to finish all in one place. a black box for that level. To launch SDK after exporting the hardware design, go to File → Launch SDK → and again, leave location options as, Even though I am ultimately using PetaLinux to create an embedded Linux image for the ZynqBerry, the first stage bootloader to launch the Linux kernel is a bare metal application that is created in SDK. If there are any errors or critical warnings, the resulting output error code and Google are your best friend. compatible = "nxp,pca9544"; reg =, &gpio0 { The following PetaLinux command imports the hardware description of the design from SDK and launches a GUI to configure the hardware settings. The device tree and kernel image work best in a fat32 format since fat32 is so widely compatible with various operating systems. Change directories into this project folder before running any of the project configuration commands. Once in the u-boot editor, the setenv command is used to modify the necessary settings. The Tcl commands and scripting approach vary depending on the design flow used. Once the top level HDL wrapper is in place, I go about writing my Verilog/VHDL as normal and instantiating it as necessary in my design. Technically, you can export your hardware definition and create the SDK workspace wherever you want to, but as I mentioned previously, the most error-proof way is to allow Vivado to place things where it wants to. This came about on the many Raspberry Pis and countless Pi images I’ve flashed, when I was having issues with the image going corrupt quickly and needing to reformat/reflash the SD card on a regular basis. By looking at this device tree and corresponding comments you can start to get an idea of how a device tree works. After looking into Trenz Electronic’s support page for the ZynqBerry, I found that they had created quite a bit of their own custom IP for the ZynqBerry. In Vivado specifically, you can find a ton of resources for how to fix timing issues in DocNav if you search ‘Timing Closure & Design Analysis’. General Flow for this Lab Step 1: Creating a New Project Step 2: //reg =, camera_fb_reserved_region@1F800000 { Add Design File & Write Custom RTL. If I’m importing existing constraints like I am for the ZynqBerry, I go to Project Manager, select ‘Add Sources’ → ‘Add or Create Constraints’ then import the existing file. A behavioral simulation using the provided testbench was done to verify the model functionality. The ‘mmclist’ command will list all al the available devices u-boot sees. The structure of the device tree file follows a simple node with given properties format. Getting Started with Vivado for Hardware-Only Designs Introduction [The Vivado Start Page] The goal of this guide is to familiarize the reader with the Vivado tools through the “Hello World!” of hardware, blinking an LED. It provides a brief description of various use models, design features, and tool options, including preparing, implementing, and dma-names = "tx", "rx"; Now while this specific design flow is Xilinx-based, I’ve found that the main ideas can be applied to other chip sets in other IDEs to help adjust to the new environment faster (for example —, Another cool thing about the block design in Vivado is that you can package an entire project into its own IP block and place it into a local repository to use in other designs. If I’m creating new constraints, I run synthesis and use the IO Planning GUI in the synthesized design to route my signals to pins. To create a block design in a project, just select the option ‘Create Block Design’ under the IP Integrator tab in the Project Manager menu. The files that will live on the SD card require two different file system formats. reg =, ; If the board were being booted from some sort of on-board memory, then this boot image file would also include the kernel, device tree, and root file system. , I noticed that they had done something similar and they had also made a separate file for each peripheral. The packaging command from the previous step will output to the BOOT.bin to, /images/linux/image.ub /media/BOOT After the design is routed in implementation, the setup and hold timing of all paths within the FPGA fabric are calculated. Now that the hardware design is complete and verified, the next step is to export it to SDK where the appropriate embedded software can be added to the design. A little while back, a Raspberry Pi form factor FPGA board called the ZynqBerry caught my eye and I spent some time with it to bring it up as a ready-to-go tool in my arsenal of development boards. Introduction to Vivado Design Flows –Introduces the Vivado design flows: the project flow and non-project batch flow. height =, ; // 720p When I downloaded the constraints set to the ZynqBerry from. format = "a8b8g8r8"; compatible = "regulator-fixed"; Once the hardware settings are configured (these settings are just making PetaLinux aware of the hardware you’ve already chosen, so make sure your settings make sense with what you’ve designed in Vivado) the next thing to do configure is the kernel. interrupt-controller; In order to recreate a block design from a TCL script like this, don’t manually create a new block design. When I downloaded the constraints set to the ZynqBerry from Trenz, I noticed that they had done something similar and they had also made a separate file for each peripheral. The hardware settings is where the kernel is configured to boot from the SD card for this design. Please ensure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser to view this page. label = "boot"; Now while this specific design flow is Xilinx-based, I’ve found that the main ideas can be applied to other chip sets in other IDEs to help adjust to the new environment faster (for example — see my first crack at using Lattice Semiconductor’s FPGA and IDE for the first time). A little while back, a Raspberry Pi form factor FPGA board called the ZynqBerry caught my eye and I spent some time with it to bring it up as a ready-to-go tool in my arsenal of development boards. The Linux kernel is responsible for starting up and managing the resources processes and peripherals applications in the OS are using. The design and implementation flow begin with launching Vivado. // 128M (R modules) There are a multitude of techniques to fix timing issues depending on their root cause. After a general introduction to the FPGA Design Flow, a detailed introduction to the use of the Vivado Project based Design Flow and the Vivado Non-Project based Design Flow follows. The Vivado® Design Suite offers multiple ways to accomplish the tasks involved in Xilinx® FPGA design and verification. compatible = "te,te-audio"; Depending on the number and type of custom applications to be developed, the overall memory needed will increase. This workshop provides participants the necessary skills to develop digital design in Xilinx FPGA fabric and become familiar with synthesis, implementation, I/O planning, simulation, static timing analysis and debug features of Vivado. The kernel now needs to be told what hardware is available to it such as the USB and Ethernet PHYs, sound driver (ALSA), graphics for the HDMI port, and the I2C drivers for each. The courses provide experience with: Creating a Vivado Design Suite project with source files. // 512M (M modules) This now let me run the TCL script from Trenz to recreate the ZynqBerry’s block design containing these custom IP blocks. To create a top level wrapper, right click on the block design in the Sources tab and select the ‘Create HDL Wrapper…’ option. There are a multitude of techniques to fix timing issues depending on their root cause. This course gives an introduction to digital design tool flow in Xilinx programmable devices using Vivado® Design software suite - cederom/FPGA-Design-Flow-using-Vivado The Vivado software tool can be used to perform a complete HDL based design flow. Vivado Design Flow describes the FPGA design process with the Vivado Design Suite. Now this step is optional if your design is purely your own custom HDL. format = "a8b8g8r8"; attribute is found, even if there is valid logic for a module or entity, Vivado synthesis creates. Once the constraints have been set, synthesis and implementation needs to be ran to build the design and route it through the targeted chip. There are two options when creating a new HDL wrapper: allow Vivado to manage and auto-update it, or manually configure it as desired. 2. The u-boot editor environment is accessed via a COM port, so it is the first thing that creates a COM port in the boot sequence. partition@0x00500000 { hdmi_fb_reserved_region@1FC00000 { Do add the empty file to write RTL in (in Verilog based on my project settings), use the Add Sources option from the Flow Navigator and select Add or create design sources then click Next. , I found that they had created quite a bit of their own custom IP for the ZynqBerry. I then echo back all the current settings with, Before editing these setting however, the block number of the device (SD card) needs to be verified. }; camera_fb: framebuffer@0x1F800000 { // CAMERA in compatible = "atmel,24c32"; This is where the special JTAG FSBL comes in to bring up the ZynqBerry initially to be able to program the QSPI flash memory. In Vivado specifically, you can find a ton of resources for how to fix timing issues in DocNav if you search ‘, Now that the hardware design is complete and verified, the next step is to export it to SDK where the appropriate embedded software can be added to the design. I’ve covered the details for creating these two FSBLs for the ZynqBerry in the past, petalinux-create --type project --template zynq --name, The hardware settings is where the kernel is configured to boot from the SD card for this design. Creating a Processor System Lab. Any custom RTL that's not for simulation purposes (ie a testbench) are considered a design source in Vivado. reg =, hdmi_fb: framebuffer@0x1FC00000 { // HDMI out After downloading the IP library from Trenz’s website, I added it to my project in Project Manager under ‘Settings’ → ‘IP’ → ‘Repository’ → ‘Add Repo’. #address-cells =, i2c1@3 { // Camera Interface Connector This now let me run the TCL script from Trenz to recreate the ZynqBerry’s block design containing these custom IP blocks. On the ZynqBerry I found that this was after the red status LED transitioned from blinking rapidly upon initial power up to blinking slower, but even then there is still only a limited window before the kernel takes over and completes the boot sequence. All of these settings are the same between this full build out of the ZynqBerry and my previous post where I was just focused on interfacing with the Ethernet port, which you can find here under step 2. Don’t ignore any critical warnings, especially here, because it will come back to bite you in expected behavior later on. #address-cells =, ; I quickly found that I needed an embedded Linux image in order to utilize the Ethernet port and four USB ports on it which led to previous post here. I might start doing the same in the future for bigger designs since it made everything so readable. }; Vivado Design Flows Overview: 03/28/2013 UltraFast Design Methodology for the Vivado Design Suite - Introduction and Overview: 10/18/2016 Creating Different Types of Projects: 07/26/2012 UG888 - Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Design Flows Overview: 07/08/2020 UG910 - Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Getting Started: 01/28/2021: Key Concepts Date A typical design flow consists of creating model(s), creating user constraint file(s), creating a Vivado project, importing the created models, assigning created constraint file(s), Each peripheral on the board has it’s own node defining its register addresses and in some cases, which driver to link it to in the root file system. reg =, ; // FCLK_CLK0, FCLK_CLK3 // 512M (M modules) Once the SD card has been formatted, create a directory to mount it to and mount it. This took a lot of trial and error for me to figure out, and it was by far where I was stuck the longest the first time I was doing this. This super convoluted, indirect way to do this is hyper specific to the Vivado IDE. If the design does not meet proper timing constraints, a critical warning is generated after implementation is complete. With everything configured in the kernel and root file system settings, the next thing to do is build out the device tree. #phy-cells =, /{ When using the Non-Project mode, the source files are loaded using read_verilog, read_vhdl, read_edif, read_ip, and read_xdc commands. label = "kernel"; There are a couple of different ways that I go about this depending on whether I’m creating a new constraints file or importing an existing constraints file. During my trial and error on the ZynqBerry, I was able to correlate the u-boot starting with the blink rate of the red status LED based on how early I was able to get Putty to connect to the ZynqBerry’s COM port after applying power. There is so much happening in the background with every action in the GUI, I’ve learned it’s best to minimize interruptions to those processes as much as possible and this is the best way I’ve found to accomplish that for the block design. The ZynqBerry requires the following configuration: Finally, the root file system for the ZynqBerry just needs a few things enabled specifically around being about to use the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) and the I2C package library. The set environment commands above all assume a device node of 0, but if the SD card’s node number is different then the u-boot boot arguments and boot command will need to be changed to reflect that, as well as the kernel will also need to be reconfigured to look for the proper device node number. This compilation style flow is referred to as the Non-Project mode. partition@0x00520000 { This prompted me to want to put together an outline of my design flow for FPGA development from start to finish all in one place. Vivado Design Suite Project Mode –Create a project, add files to the project, explore the Vivado IDE, and simulate the design. flash0: flash@0 { I’ve been happy with it since, but with all the hype from the new Raspberry Pi 4 I was reminded that I needed to pick it back up and finish the device tree build out for the rest of the peripherals such as the HDMI port, etc. And routed design Checkpoint..... 256 purely your own custom IP for block. 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