ARMY EMERGENCY RELIEF—EXCEPTION TO POLICY (ETP) FOR … In order to process ETPs Type R and Type O, you need to: The specific steps will be detailed in the sections below. Use the information in your income statement or payment summary to complete your income tax return. Employment Termination Payment (ETP) An ETP is a lump sum payment you make to an employee when they stop working for you. Not every terminated employee receives an ETP - it depends on what the termination pay is made up of and whether any of those payment types fall into the ETP classification. You are free to copy, adapt, modify, transmit and distribute this material as you wish (but not in any way that suggests the ATO or the Commonwealth endorses you or any of your services or products). I have set up unused Holiday Leave and Long Service Leave on termination as tax tracking type Lump Sum A (T) but I am unsure whether Lump Sum A (R) is the correct one for a payment in lieu of notice. on a daily basis. When you leave work or change jobs, you may receive several lump sum payments that are taxed differently to your normal income. Your income statement is available to you through ATO online services via myGov, your tax agent, or you can phone us on 13 28 61 for a copy. Please see the Criteria for Whole of Income Cap. you received an ETP in May 2017 and then another ETP in January 2018, both for the same termination). This topic describes how an employee can be terminated in ePayroll. An accounting system will not be able to automatically calculate tax withheld on ETP’s. When completing the ETP payment summary, your employer needs to determine which code to use - if it's code O (or P), then the whole-of-income cap applies to your ETP. See Tax on employment payments for more information on payments you may receive in these circumstances. Excess (Excluded ETP Type R): $138,780 . If the total is more than $50,000 calculate withholding for the flood levy as follows: Step Instruction X = flood levy UL = unused leave … If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know via Some of the information on this website applies to a specific financial year. Clicking 'Cancel' will revert to a non-ETP termination. An ETP may comprise of a tax-free portion, concessionally taxed portion and taxed portion. The process is similar to ETPs Type R and Type O, essentially: Add terminated employee to pay run An ETP may comprise of a tax-free portion, concessionally taxed portion and taxed portion. They include payments in respect of: An example of how multiple payments should be separated are as follows: Any comment entered in each row will appear in the employee's pay slip if the "Show line notes" setting is ticked in the Pay Slips setting screen. However, it can't be removed. If you follow our information and it turns out to be incorrect, or it is misleading and you make a mistake as a result, we will take that into account when determining what action, if any, we should take. It should not be shown anywhere on your tax return. The ETP plants are used widely in industrial sector, for example, pharmaceutical industry, to remove the effluents from the bulk drugs. Given that the ETP cap is now $185,000 and soon to be $195,000, practically speaking the whole-of-income cap will always work out to be the lower cap applied. It allows you to correct the error and mark the payment summary as amended by ticking the checkbox. Click on the three vertical dots on the right-hand side of the ETP Leave Earning row. Create an ETP by ticking the ‘Redundancy/ETP’ checkbox, Once the ‘Terminate employee’ action has been selected, Users can choose to continue by clicking 'OK'. ... unused leave payments on termination of employment (NAT 3351). An employment termination payment (ETP) is generally a lump sum amount paid to an employee upon termination of their employment.Depending on the type of ETP, the employee’s age and years of service, the amount may be taxed in a number of different ways. When completing the ETP payment summary, your employer needs to determine which code to use - if it's code O (or P), then the whole-of-income cap applies to your ETP. This will then automatically calculate any tax as per the ETP guidelines. Users should take care to ensure the payment date entered falls within the financial year assigned for opening balances. If you enter multiple long service leave ETP type records, and the ETP/Leave Earn Code and Pre18Aug93 Leave Earn Code fields match for all records, the long service leave balances will be combined. A list of what is defined as an ETP can be accessed here. Depending on the type of ETP, the concessional tax treatment is limited to the smaller of either the ETP cap or the whole-of-income cap. The 'override calculations' checkbox gives the ability to manually enter amounts for 'taxable component', 'lump sum D' and 'tax withheld'. Exchange-traded products (ETP) are types of securities that track underlying security, index, or financial instrument. An ETP includes all of the types of payments made in example 1. ; Then click Add New Payment. Instead, you will receive an income statement. ; Then click Add New Payment. 7. These aren't part of your ETP but may also be concessionally taxed. A ETP does not include payments for unused annual leave, leave loading on that annual leave, unused long service leave, or salary owed to the employee. An employment termination payment (ETP) is a payment received by an employee because their employment was terminated. For a death benefit termination payment, the tax treatment of the taxable component depends on whether the ETP is paid to a dependant or non-dependant beneficiary (see Macquarie Fastfact: Meaning of dependant for super and tax purposes). Long service leave accrued since 18 August 1993 is taxed at marginal tax rates, i.e. Enter a Name and Name for payslip. This information is for people whose employment has been terminated. Click on Edit in the drop-down list. It explains how your termination payments are taxed and how to complete your tax return. Additional Type O lines are added by clicking on 'Actions' > 'Add Type 'O' ETP'. In the Rate dropdown, choose Fixed. KeyPay has significantly improved how ETP Type O payments are processed in the pay run, including: For detailed information about this type of payment, visit the ATO website. Payments for unused annual leave made on the death of an employee to the deceased’s An ETP also includes an ex gratia, compensation for wrongful dismissal, unused RDOs, and unused sick leave. Do not allow for any tax offsets or … Long service leave accrued since 18 August 1993 is taxed at marginal tax rates, i.e. For more information about the codes, see Payment summaries. Tick the "Redundancy/ETP" checkbox and then click on 'Actions' > 'Add Type 'O' ETP'. Is Superannuation Paid on Sick Leave? Once you have worked out what to pay, you need to consider the tax treatment for each and how they need to be recorded on a payment summary as this will effect the way they are entered into Xero Payroll. COVID Travel & Leave Business Rules Smart Card 1 PCS POLICY AND EXCEPTIONS TO POLICY (ETP) PCS / TDY TRAVEL EXCEPTIONS AND EXEMPTIONS GUIDANCE ALARACT 101/2020, FRAGO 32 to FORSCOM EXORD, and FRAGO 21 to HQDA EXORD 210-20 in Response to COVID-19, the following applies: Exempt. ETP CATEGORY Traveler carries 1 signed copy for in & out-processing, servicing MPF/CSS retains 1 signed copy on-file, and 502ABW ROM Cell ( retains 1 signed copy on-file. Enter any tax free component (see, The system will then calculate the tax to withhold on the taxable amount in accordance with the, If the payment is for a genuine redundancy, the system will calculate the tax free amount to be reported as Lump Sum D on the employee's EOFY income statement. COVID Travel & Leave Business Rules Smart Card 2 PCS POLICY AND EXCEPTIONS TO POLICY (ETP) PCS / TDY TRAVEL EXCEPTIONS AND EXEMPTIONS GUIDANCE ALARACT 054/2020, FRAGO 32 to FORSCOM EXORD, and FRAGOs 9 & 10 to HQDA EXORD 210-20 in Response to COVID-19, the following applies: Exempt. Print clearly or type the form and ensure all blocks are complete. See Tax table for unused leave payments on termination of employment. (Optional) Select the ETP leave type checkbox to factor-in leave as an ETP – Type O. Final pays can consist of many components, including unpaid wages and leave entitlements, and termination components like leave in lieu or redundancy. These are assessable payments and need to be declared on your tax return. To make multiple ETPs. If your termination was because of genuine redundancy or an early retirement scheme, your payments will include a tax-free component. For more information, see Setting Up Automatic Annual Leave … (If you're using Single Touch Payroll) Select the ATO Reporting Category for this wage type. The default value is 'No' - if you leave this option as is, the employee's ETP Payment Summary will not be published and so the employee will not have access to it. They include payments in respect of: Navigate to Pay > Draft payslips and click ETP to go the Employment Termination Payment page.. Click Create New Payment.. You can then select the Employee, Financial Year Ending and Payment Date. Enter 0 in the Amount $ field. Oracle HRMS supports the following combinations. Where a payment of unused annual leave was made in conjunction with a payment consisting of or including a genuine redundancy payment, early retirement scheme or the invalidity segment of an ETP a tax offset is available limiting PAYG withholding at 30%. Add a Compensatory Off/ Work From Home Leave Type. Any leave categories that have NOT been excluded from termination pay and classified as ETP (ie the "ETP" checkbox in the leave category setting has been ticked) will be paid out as a Type O earning automatically, once you have commenced the terminate employee process. Add To Full Pay Run. Create multiple element entries of element ETP on Termination. Any leave categories that have NOT been excluded from termination pay and classified as ETP (ie the "ETP" checkbox in the leave category setting has been ticked) will be paid out as a Type O earning automatically, once you have commenced the terminate employee process. Depending on the type of ETP, the employee’s age and years of service, the amount may be taxed in a number of different ways. This is not assessable income. To do this: Select Earnings on the left-hand side. Setup mygov and link to ATO online services, Amounts you don't need to include as income, Occupation and industry specific income and work-related expenses, Help and support for online services - individuals, Instalment notices for GST and PAYG instalments, Your obligations to workers and independent contractors, Encouraging NFP participation in the tax system, Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, Departing Australia Superannuation Payment, Small Business Superannuation Clearing House, Annual report and other reporting to Parliament, Complying with procurement policy and legislation, Employment termination payments - for employees, Your income statements or payment summaries and tax return, PAYG payment summary – individual non-business, PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment, How earning more income could affect your tax, Payments covered by a legislative determination, Tax table for unused leave payments on termination of employment, Accessing your payment summary or income statement, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, payments for unused sick leave or unused rostered days off. Enter any tax free component (see here for more information on working out the tax free component) and the total taxable amount and click ‘Save’. You can make multiple entries to ETP and produce multiple Payment Summaries for each payment type. If you feel that our information does not fully cover your circumstances, or you are unsure how it applies to you, contact us or seek professional advice. The Early Termination Payment (ETP) is taxed at a different rate depending on the age and length of employment. You could leave it empty. If you set the employee's final pay as a genuine redundancy, Xero reports the unused leave as a lump sum A payment. When you use an ETP based specified ATO reporting category on your employee's pay you will have the option within the Pay Employee window to select the ETP Benefit Type. Dependent Names MISSION TYPE Humanitarian Reasons In the exercise, we will change the name of the ETP Leave Earning pay item. Your income statement or payment summary may also show a tax-free component. The ETP payment summary has an ETP code that you use to describe the type of ETP and which cap has been applied to it. Create these 3 payroll categories: Go to the Payroll command centre and click Payroll Categories. You are able to use the 'amended' checkbox which is used when you need to correct previously recorded (incorrect) data. Type D. If a death benefit ETP is paid and the payee is a death benefits dependant. Step 6 : Add in a fixed calculation for super to accrue super on the In Lieu of Notice amount. You can find out more here. Is Superannuation Paid on Annual Leave? Leave is specifically excluded from the concessionally taxed ETP rules, however certain payments attract tax concessions. Navigate to Pay > Draft payslips and click ETP to go the Employment Termination Payment page.. Click Create New Payment.. You can then select the Employee, Financial Year Ending and Payment Date. Hi everyone, you can now set up type 'O' and 'R' Employment Termination Payments for earnings in your Payroll settings, as well as set leave items as ETP pay items, per employee under the employee's Leave … An employment termination payment (ETP) is generally a lump sum amount paid to an employee upon termination of their employment. For eg, if the employee has earned less than $450 (or whatever minimum threshold has been set for the employee) in the month they will not be paid any super, even if the "Attracts Super" checkbox is ticked. Oracle HRMS supports the following combinations. Buying Metaverse ETP (ETP) for funds from your bank requires a 2-step process. An employment termination payment (ETP) is generally a lump sum amount paid to an employee upon termination of their employment. Use this form if you make an employment termination payment (ETP) to: an employee whose employment has been terminated a non-dependant because of an employee's death a dependant because of an employee's death if the taxable component of the payment exceeds the ETP cap To create the ETP payment:. If you set the final pay as a normal termination, Xero reports the unused leave … The ETP Minimum wage requirements vary depending on the calendar year, county of employment, and the type of worker (retrainee or new-hire). included in ordinary income subject to the normal tax scale. ; Click New to create a new wage category. Annual Leave on Termination. 1. If your employer uses STP they will need to make a finalisation declaration through STP. Determining whether an ETP is subject to superannuation guarantee (SG) depends on looking at the type/purpose of the ETP. A pop-up box will appear allowing you to change some of the fields. Once the employee has been added to the pay run, click on the employee within the pay run, then click the 'Actions' button and select 'Terminate employee': A pop-up will appear as follows, and you are able to change the termination date as needed: The employee's record will turn pink as an indicator it is in termination mode and will display calculated earnings and any accrued leave to be paid out as part of the termination pay. If the code is O or P, your ETP is subject to the whole-of-income cap. Create multiple element entries of element ETP on Termination. You can edit the settings by clicking on the balance of that leave type in their Leave tab, to 'No calculation required' so it doesn't accrue going forward. Annual Leave on Termination. a payment for unused annual leave of $13,500 (subject to withholding rate of 31.5%). Does not require a waiver. The following fields will appear relating to Type O payments: Enter the required amounts in the relevant fields and click on 'Save'. ETP 2.0 clears cookies and site data from tracking sites every 24 hours. An ETP is a plant where the treatment of industrial effluents and waste waters is done. the employee was paid an ETP – Type R, Type O or Type O unused leave – at that time. Make sure you have the information for the right year before making decisions based on that information. Health benefits can be added to a workers base wage to meet the minimum wage requirement. This action will only display if the "Redundancy/ETP" checkbox has been ticked. Here's a basic guide: Termination could be for reasons such as redundancy, dismissal, resignation, retirement or death. Paid annual leave is considered part of an employee’s OTE and therefore, requires super contributions. Leave is specifically excluded from the concessionally taxed ETP rules, however certain payments attract tax concessions. This will allow you to select the code of S and P which relate to the corresponding ATO Benefit types. You are required to pay super for paid sick leave, as this type of leave is part of a person’s OTE, but you are not required to pay super on unpaid sick leave. Length of RIG_ID - Maximum 32 characters. To issue a payment summary at a later date instead of at the termination date, you leave the Print Payment Summary/ETP field blank, and run the Payment summary program when necessary. Once the pay run has been finalised an ETP payment summary is generated. Depending on the type of ETP, the employee’s age and years of service, the amount may be taxed in a number of different ways. Select the Leave tab; Assign Leave Type with the following properties: Leave: Long Service Leave; Leave Calculation Method: Based on Ordinary Earnings; Hours Accrued Annually: 32.9346 (This amount is calculated based on 8.6667 weeks leave for 10 years service for a standard 38 hour fulltime employee) On termination unused balance is: Paid Out Codes S and P are used if you’ve received payments in a previous income year for the same termination (e.g. If the payment is for a genuine redundancy, the system will calculate the tax free amount to be reported as Lump Sum D on the employee's EOFY income statement. How is PAYG calculated on termination pays? You can find out more, ") Payments' field. ; Name the new category ETP Taxable. I have set up unused Holiday Leave and Long Service Leave on termination as tax tracking type Lump Sum A (T) but I am unsure whether Lump Sum A (R) is the correct one for a payment in lieu of notice. If you have multiple Type O payments where some are superable (for eg in lieu of notice) and others are not, you will need to create multiple Type O lines to separate these payments. These lump sums are for unused annual leave and long service leave. Health benefits can be added to a workers base wage to meet the minimum wage requirement. They may be shown on your , payment summary or on a letter or statement from your employer. You can't roll over your ETP to your superannuation. INSTRUCTIONS: Instructions and checklist: For use of this form, see AR 930-4, AERO Section Reference Manual, or www.AERHQ.ORG. You can factor-in unused leave as part of an employment termination payment (ETP) – Type O. The ETP Minimum wage requirements vary depending on the calendar year, county of employment, and the type of worker (retrainee or new-hire). These payments relate to earlier income years and return-to-work payments. An ETP may comprise of a tax-free portion, concessionally taxed portion and taxed portion. When a pay run containing an ETP is finalised, the corresponding STP pay event will specify: The employee is automatically marked as 'is final' within the STP pay event. For more information on ETP … Hi everyone, you can now set up type 'O' and 'R' Employment Termination Payments for earnings in your Payroll settings, as well as set leave items as ETP pay items, per employee under the employee's Leave tab. In some cases you can select the Benefit type of Mutliple. Type B Depending on the type of ETP, the employee’s age and years of service, the amount may be taxed in a number of different ways. Once the ‘Terminate employee’ action has been selected, tick the ‘ETP/Redundancy’ checkbox: This will allow you to enter Type R and Type O amounts, pay out unused Type O leave, and ensures that tax is correctly withheld. The table below details the tax treatment of a death benefit ETP received from 1 July 2019. ETP taxed @ 47% on $23,001: $ 10,810. an invalidity payment for permanent disability. This is shown at lump sum D. This tax-free component is not part of your ETP and is not assessable income. Managing the stand down of employees in the pay run, Understanding the accrual calculations in the Personal/Carer's Leave context panel, Pay Slips - Add a Note for a Single Pay Slip, Processing non-superable or superable Type O payments, such as in lieu of notice; and. As per the ETP code list, examples of ETP Type O payments could be golden handshake, gratuity, payment in lieu of notice, payment for unused sick leave, or payment for unused rostered days off. If you have lost your job as a result of COVID-19, you may have received an ETP. ETPs are broken down into 'codes' and treated differently for tax purposes. This will then automatically calculate any tax as per the ETP guidelines. Under On termination unused balance is, select Paid Out. ETP on Termination. Are ETPs subject to superannuation guarantee? If unused leave (but not annual leave or long service leave) is only being paid out as part of a redundancy and is not otherwise paid out when employment is terminated, then it will form part of a genuine redundancy payment and should be entered as part of a Type S (or Type R if it is made at the time of termination) lump sum payment. 1. These locked fields will change into editable fields when the checkbox is ticked. Improvements to ETP Type O payments. An ETP is a lump sum payment made as a result of the termination of a person’s employment. Amounts paid in excess of these caps are taxed at the highest marginal rate. This checkbox appears if you select the ETP leave type checkbox. 1. © Australian Taxation Office for the Commonwealth of Australia. You're going to buy some BTC or ETH from an exchange that accepts deposits from a debit card or bank account, and then you're going to transfer your newly bought crypto to a marketplace that sells ETP in … Choose ETP from the Type dropdown box. AccountRight will only allow for one benefit code to be selected an employee's Early Termination Payment Summary (or ETP). 6. To create ETP payroll categories (Only required if the payment is classified by the ATO as an ETP). Now the new leave type appears in the list of leave on the Setup Leave Types page.You can now configure the leave rules for the leave type. An ETP may comprise of a tax-free portion, concessionally taxed portion… Add a Leave Application for these amounts in the Employee’s Leave Tab (Employees + Person + Leave + Add Leave Application) Create an Unscheduled PayRun and click into the terminated employee. A. The system will then calculate the tax to withhold on the taxable amount in accordance with the Schedule 11 tax tables and display this under 'Tax withheld'. Total Tax on ETP: $ 47,859 . ETP Prepayment Information. Your income statement or payment summary will show: Once your employer has provided the finalisation indicator in STP, we will pre-fill your tax return and display the information as 'tax ready' in myGov. Use English letters, numbers and symbols "-" and "_". Before you generate a Payment summary report, select the Calc Pay button on … When I look on the ATO website I am getting confused as to what tax tracking code I should select for an ETP - payment in lieu of notice. Hey Team - If a leave type has been used in a pay run for an employee, it can't be deleted from their Leave tab. Does not require a waiver. A. Specify the name of the rig as you want it to be shown in miner's statistics page. The ETP was created in 1982 by the California State Legislature and is funded by California employers through a special payroll tax. ETP includes payments for unused rostered days off, payments in lieu of notice, a gratuity or 'golden handshake', and more. You can make multiple entries to ETP and produce multiple Payment Summaries for each payment type. Employee termination payments will attract super contributions in limited circumstances. Type P. If a code O ETP was paid in 2018-19 and the employee had received another ETP (code R or code O) or a transitional termination payment, in an earlier income year for the same termination of employment. Leave Type – select the type of leave you are paying; Title – Leave payout of termination; Start and end dates – Termination date; Modify the number of hours – this will be the leave balance after you have accrued any leave … Add together any unused leave payments with the withholding rate of 31.5% and the taxable components of any ETP made at the time of termination. For more information on genuine redundancy, see the ATO guide. NOTE: Throughout the termination screen, key fields have a question mark item next to them. When you use an ETP based specified ATO reporting category on your employee's pay you will have the option within the Pay Employee window to select the ETP Benefit Type. If you want these to be processed separately, then you must create separate earnings code for each long service leave type. The taxation of employment termination payments An employment termination payment (ETP) is generally a lump sum amount paid to an employee upon termination of their employment.Depending on the type of ETP, the employee’s age and years of service, the amount may be taxed in a number of different ways. PAYMENT #1 : ... Is the leave loading superable if the employee terminates? Codes S and P are used if you’ve received payments in a previous income year for the same termination (e.g. To create the ETP payment:. We are committed to providing you with accurate, consistent and clear information to help you understand your rights and entitlements and meet your obligations. Take note of the "Attracts Super" checkbox. ETPs trade on exchanges similar to stocks. However, there are some exceptions which the ATO will accept. Using Method 1 there is an option to create a separate pay run per employee, or check the 'Add to Full Pay Run' check box to create the termination payslip now, and include the termination within your next Standard Pay Run. Under Leave Balances, click the amount you want to pay out. Employee termination payments will attract super contributions in limited circumstances. Click the Add Tax Line button, enter a description, press Enter then type a negative number that will ensure the tax is calculated to the correct amount determined with the tool. ETP taxed @ 32% on 1 st $205,000 ($205,000 - $89,221 = $115,779): $ 37,049. These payments are not part of your ETP but may be concessionally taxed. ETP Prepayment Information. If you change the value to 'Yes', the employee's ETP Payment Summary will automatically publish and they will be able to access this via their employee portal. If ETP isn't listed, make sure you're set up for Single Touch Payroll reporting. INSTRUCTIONS: Instructions and checklist: For use of this form, see AR 930-4, AERO Section Reference Manual, or www.AERHQ.ORG. Follow steps 1 to 3 mentioned above. Within this window, you can select the Benefit Type and the corresponding Benefit Code. The tax on the ETP – Type R is 32% and the tax on unused annual leave is also 32% (these rates are current for the 18/19 year). Not include salary, wages or accrued leave payments on termination ) are types of securities track. Attract tax concessions checkbox and then another ETP in may 2017 and another... Etp was created in 1982 by the California State Legislature and is not of. Your mouse over these icons will provide more information on this website applies to workers. More, `` ) payments ' field to be declared on your tax return code can terminated! Gratuity or 'golden handshake etp leave type, and more declared on your, summary... Clarify, the general rules of SG eligibility will still exist in this scenario multiple to! 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Payroll tax it allows you to correct the error and mark the payment summary will display: payment... Ato reporting category for this wage Type your normal income letters, and. Right-Hand side of the ETP leave Type checkbox depends on looking at the type/purpose of the ETP Earning!, your payments will include a tax-free component their leave tab or 'golden '... Summary or on a letter or statement from your bank requires a 2-step process these 3 Payroll.! In some cases you can make multiple entries to ETP and produce multiple payment summaries for each Type! Ato reporting category for this wage Type and rostered days off, payments in lieu of notice a. At that time exist in this scenario payment date entered falls within the exceptions and have approval from the drugs! Wage requirement sums are for unused rostered days off sector, for example, pharmaceutical industry, remove... Mark the payment summary to complete your income statement or payment summaries showing the amounts you 've been and! Attract super contributions in limited circumstances however, there are some exceptions which the ATO guide '' and _... Summary or on a letter or statement from your employer in January 2018, both for the employee under. Concessionally taxed portion and taxed portion years and return-to-work payments ETP can be accessed here is when... Over these icons will provide more information on ETP … annual leave of $ 13,500 ( subject to Guarantee... Australian Taxation Office for the same termination ( e.g AERO Section Reference Manual, or.. S and P are used if etp leave type have lost your job as a lump payment... The same termination ( e.g on employment payments for unused annual leave long. Health benefits can be accessed here leave – at that time your tax! Than your normal income, provided the payment is classified by the California Legislature! Non-Etp termination payment # 1:... is the leave loading superable if payment! $ 10,810 1982 by the California State Legislature and is not assessable.... Employee, you can find out more, `` ) payments ' field rate! Also show a tax-free portion, concessionally taxed portion and taxed portion is paid and the treatment..., ETPs must be made no more than 12 months after the etp leave type screen, key fields have question! ) depends on looking at the highest marginal rate in ePayroll payments will attract super in. This is shown at lump sum payment made as a lump sum amount paid to an employee can accessed. For the same termination ( e.g summary may also show a tax-free portion, concessionally taxed ETP! Type/Purpose of the field will change the name of the ETP leave Type checkbox to factor-in leave as ETP... ' > 'Add Type ' O ' ETP ' amount of tax paid change of. Opening balances a payment for unused annual leave payment ( incorrect ) data a pop-up box will allowing. Appear relating to Type O payments: Enter the required amounts in the exercise we! Will display: ETP payment summary or on a letter or statement from your employer uses they.