The Dolibarr image supports auto configuration via environment variables. MAIN_FIX_FOR_BUGGED_MTA => Some MTA agent are bugged and add some CR chars each time they saw a LF. COMMANDE_CHANGE_THIRDPARTY => Can change customer on orders, ORDER_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD => When a PDF is generated, a share key is automatically set so the file can be downloaded using the share key. Example, setting this constant to ‘5’ will show the first five product photos found on the product card. Note: If the module “. // This feature exists for production usage to avoid to give any information to hackers. For example “DejaVuSans”. File that preload PHP files. MAIN_FIRST_TO_UPPER => Dolibarr add uppercase to Third Parties, contacts or members names if not done. EXPORT_CSV_SEPARATOR_TO_USE => String value to use as default separator to delimit fields of exported files (by default Dolibarr uses “,”). You should use instead the “Clone” button available on existing proposals. Setting it to any other value will result in unwanted side-effects and/or bugs. For example setting value POS_ADDON to ‘mod_facture_terre’ will use the numbering module ‘terre’ for invoice generated from POS, whatever is the numbering rule defined into invoice module setup (you can also use POS_NUMBERING_TERRE_FORCE_PREFIX and POS_NUMBERING_MARS_FORCE_PREFIX variable to change the prefix used). WARNING: PDF generation is not guaranted with this. Page de configuration du module externalsite. In future, this constant will be forced to ‘UTC’ so PHP server timezone will not have effect anymore. Since we're working with Ubuntu 18.04, we'll go with MariaDB. This file will control how users access Dolibarr content. // $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_port='389'; // Port, // $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_servertype='openldap'; // openldap, activedirectory or egroupware, // $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_login_attribute='loginfield'; // Ex: uid or samaccountname for active directory, // $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_dn='ou=users,dc=my-domain,dc=com'; // Ex: ou=users,dc=my-domain,dc=com. SUPPLIER_ORDER_DISABLE_STOCK_DISPATCH_WHEN_TOTAL_REACHED => Disable stock dispatch when total expected was already received. CASHDESK_SHOW_KEYPAD => Show a mouse key pad into Point Of Sale. Use a comma to separate values. With this option, final amount is not reduced but a payment is registered. This overwrite database value. RELOAD_PAGE_ON_SUPPLIER_CHANGE => On creation of a supplier order/invoice, reload form with supplier-specific details when supplier is selected from drop-down list. This page describe how the Dolibarr authentication process works. Warning: This option make TCPDF library beeing crazy sometime and content on image disappeared ! // Warning: If you enable this parameter, your web server must be configured to respond URL with https protocol. PROPAL_DISABLE_SIGNATURE => Do no show the box for signature. Note: If the module “, INVOICE_CAN_ALWAYS_BE_REMOVED => Allow to always delete invoices (even if invoice is not last one). (v6.0+). NOTE: We are in the process of modifying the file structure and configuration for many Bitnami stacks. MAIN_EMAIL_USECCC => 1 = Show field BCC into email forms, If email = Show BCC prefilled with email. // If value "ldap" is used, you must also set parameters dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_*, // Possible values: Any values found in files in htdocs/core/login directory after, // the "function_" string and before the ".php" string. sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/dolibarr. Can be used to restrict on OS level. MAIN_MAIL_ADD_INLINE_IMAGES_IF_IN_MEDIAS => If images were stored into the medias directory from CKEditor, then images into emails are replaced with “inline content”. Mes tutos en ligne - Un coup de pouce dans mes recherches au quotidien. Value must be format of timestamp. For example: %Y%m%d%H%M, MAIN_DISABLEDRAFTSTATUS => Disable the status Draft for some objects (project, donation, …). So when user receiving email will make “Answer”, email will be sent to but with the tracking id included (into header or into target email), allowing you to know to which third party or object, the email exchange is related to. PROJECT_LINK_ON_OVERWIEW_DISABLED (4.0) => Hide the “link to” form on the overview page, PROJECT_CREATE_ON_OVERVIEW_DISABLED (4.0) => Hide the “create …” button on the overview page, PROJECT_ALLOW_TO_LINK_FROM_OTHER_COMPANY => Can link an object to a project of another thirdparty, PROJECT_ALLOW_COMMENT_ON_TASK => Add comment feature on project task. PRODUCT_USE_UNITS => Enable units from dictionary in product/service card. 331 $conf->db->dolibarr_main_db_collation = $dolibarr_main_db_collation; 332 if (empty($dolibarr_main_db_encryption)) { 333 $dolibarr_main_db_encryption = 0; // Force a value for the antivirus command line tool so setup for admin user interface has no effect. It is simple and easy to use web-based ERP application that can be used to manage customers, invoices, orders, products, inventories and much more. Set this to +e if you want to go to the end to see dolibarr.log file. These can be overridden by each resource, in case it is needed. Not implemented yet…. # Ensure we catch errors., MAIN_DISABLE_NOTES_TAB (core) => Display total of notes in the card page, MAIN_DISABLE_CONTACTS_TAB (core) => Display total of contacts in the card page. MAIN_EXTERNAL_SMTP_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS => Enter the public ip address of the server, so it will appears into the help on the email setup page. For Db create a directory db in which create two directories conf.d and db_data as mentioned in the compose file so that the DB could be able to store dolibarr related data. MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_WITHOUT_VAT => Disable VAT on genrated documents. // Set this to 1 to enable the PHP strict mode. // Dolibarr example for conf.php file // // Do not edit this file without changing its name. THIRDPARTY_NOTCUSTOMERPROSPECT_BY_DEFAULT => Do not set status “Customer/Prospect” to “on” when creating a new third party from menu “New third party”. MAIN_DIRECT_STATUS_UPDATE => Allows you to change the status of the product (. MAIN_FILESYSTEM_ENCODING => With some PHP versions, PHP is not able to detect the page code for filesystem of the server OS. MAIN_SEARCH_FORM_ON_HOME_AREAS => Show the search form on home page areas for core modules (Removed after v5 due to global search combo) (v6.0+), MAIN_SEARCH_DIRECT_OPEN_IF_ONLY_ONE => If only one result is found, then setting this value to, MAIN_ENABLE_IMPORT_LINKED_OBJECT_LINES (dolibarr 8.0) => Allow to import lines into current document from “linked” compatible documents, MAIN_USE_VAT_OF_PRODUCT_FOR_INDIVIDUAL_CUSTOMER_OUT_OF_EEC (dolibarr 7.0) => Allow using product VAT if customer is individual and out of E.E.C. Description and activation file for module ExternalSite. Others are grouped into a combo list. You should solve the problem if warning occurs, instead of removing the warning! // forge alternative root directories (used by modules developers). Replace the highlighted line with your own domain name and directory … // define('MAIN_ANTIVIRUS_PARAM', '--fdpass'); // This parameter contains prefix of Dolibarr database. MAIN_DISABLE_FULL_SCANLIST => Disables the complete scan of tables to allow the pagination to show total number of pages. PRODUCT_MAX_LENGTH_COMBO => limit the length of the label displayed when adding lines in proposals/invoices/orders, MAIN_DISABLE_FREE_LINES (>= 8.0) => Disallow using free lines to add line in documents, SERVICE_ARE_ECOMMERCE_200238EC => If this option is enabled, services are processed like eServices according to directive of EU Council Directive 2002/38/EC (, MAIN_SERVICES_ARE_ECOMMERCE_200238EC (< 8) =>. I suppose you have a unix socket pool configured to listen at /var/run/php5-fpm.sock (default configuration) MAIN_DISABLE_AJAX_COMBOX => If you have a large number of third parties or products, you can disable the autocomplete feature on the third parties list by setting constant MAIN_DISABLE_AJAX_COMBOX to 1 into Home-Setup-Other (with Dolibarr v3.6.0+). MAIN_PDF_TITLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR => Can define a background color onto title line. MAIN_COPY_FILE_IN_EVENT_AUTO => Add attachement document on event auto generated by sending email from dolibarr. FACTURE_USE_PROFORMAT => Enable PROFORMAT invoices type. MAIN_MAILFORM_DISABLE_ENTERKEY (>= 8.0.1) => Activate javascript code to disable the enter key in the MAIL form. Understand the default PHP configuration Before running the commands shown on this page, you should load the Bitnami stack environment by executing the installdir/use_APPNAME script (Linux and MacOS) or by clicking the shortcut in the Start Menu under “Start -> Bitnami APPNAME Stack -> Application console” (Windows). INVOICE_CREDIT_NOTE_STANDALONE (dolibarr 3.9) => Can make a credit note without invoice. Useful for extra costs for a product or certain delivery charges to the product. If value contains ‘thirdpartynameonly’, on tab for thirdparties, only name of thirdparties are output. COMMANDE_VALID_AFTER_CLOSE_PROPAL => When an order is created on a proposal close, the order is directly defined with status “Validated”. On account of these changes, the file paths stated in this guide may change depending on whether your Bitnami stack uses native Linux system packages (Approach A), or if it is a self-contained installation (Approach B). For standard usage of Dolibarr, this screen must be kept empty and not be used. … // $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_admin_login=''; // Required only if anonymous bind disabled. File that defines environment for Dolibarr GUI pages only (file not required by scripts) Default value is $_SERVER[“SERVER_NAME”]. MAIN_PROPAL_CHOOSE_ODT_DOCUMENT => On setup page, you’ll be able to select which ODT document to use when close or cancel proposals. MAIN_GENERATE_PROPOSALS_WITH_PICTURE => Add a picture of the product (the first one found if there are several) into the generated PDF of proposals. MAIN_ODT_AS_PDF_DEL_SOURCE => For ODT generation. The MySQL configuration file is located at one of the following locations, on the MySQL database server host: For Bitnami installations following Approach A (using Linux system packages): installdir/mysql/conf/my.cnf; For Bitnami installations following Approach B (self-contained installations): installdir/mysql/my.cnf ONLY use one database type! Here is an explanation of the sections and options used in the config file: [main] section In this section, we have project-wide options, such as the default transifex host for all projects. SUPPLIER_ORDER_NO_DIRECT_APPROVE => No button “Validate and Approve”. // $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_debug='false'; // $dolibarr_main_demo='autologin,autopass'. MAIN_EMAIL_ADD_TRACK_ID => When value is 1 (this is also default value if option is not set): The record “Message-id” added into smtp header includes a tracking id to define where the email was sent from. // This parameter contains user name used to read and write into. CASHDESK_FORCE_STOCK_ON_BILL (>= 8.0.1) => Option to force decrease of stock whatever is user setup. Dolibarr is an open source enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) for businesses. // Default value: '0' (no hard limit, use soft database value if exists), // Examples: '-1' (sending by cli is forbidden). MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_WITHOUT_VAT_COLUMN => Hide column with VAT information but only column not total. MySQL configuration file. // Even if a redirect to HTTPS is forced by the webserver, it is recommanded to set this value to another value than 0, so your session cookies will be, // Possible values: 0, 1, 2 or ''. But it works pretty well. // This parameter defines the root URL of your Dolibarr index.php page without ending "/". FACTURE_DEPOSITS_ARE_JUST_PAYMENTS => Treats deposit invoices as a special case. MAIN_DOL_SCRIPTS_ROOT Must also be defined to path where the “scripts” directory is stored (for example /var/www/mydolibarr). For example, you can set this parameter to ‘MAILING_LIMIT_WARNING_NOPHPMAIL’ and enter translation key for each language for this key. WORKFLOW_PROPAL_CAN_CLASSIFY_BILLED_WITHOUT_INVOICES => Button “Classified Billed” is visible on proposal even if there is no invoice linked to proposal. By default, this is not defined, so a hash key, unique to each instance, is used. // $dolibarr_main_db_collation='utf8_unicode_ci'; $dolibarr_main_db_collation='utf8_unicode_ci'; // An secret ID that is unique for each installation. Open in Backup4all the .bkc catalog file from the destination. THIRDPARTY_LOGO_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD => When a logo is uploaded, a share key is automatically set so the file can be downloaded using the share key. Do not clean/replace CR+LF with ‘\n’ but quote them using the escaping CSV char (“). Default value is 3. // Examples: '-1' (sending by web is forbidden). $dolibarr_main_authentication='dolibarr'; // Parameters used to setup LDAP authentication. By default value is 20. // $dolibarr_main_db_host=''; // $dolibarr_main_db_host=''; // This parameter contains the port of the Dolibarr database. Value 0 means no limit. MAIN_GENERATE_INVOICES_WITH_PICTURE => Include the first image of the product into the line of the generated PDF for customer invoices. At the time of writing this tutorial, the latest stable version is Dolibarr 9.0.3. With this option, permission “see all thirdparty” may works also for external user. value of database is then used). Dolibarr is a free, open source and an all-in-one ERP and CRM for small and medium companies. // $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_filter = ''; // If defined, two previous parameters are not used to find a user into LDAP. You can make this value visible by setting MAIN_EMAIL_USECCC (to 1 or to another email, see previous point). THIRDPARTY_INCLUDE_PROJECT_THIRDPARY_IN_LINKTO => Search also for elements on third party that own the project of the current element when using the “link to” object feature (if project is owned by a different thirdparty than current one). In some cases, the sender email must be provided on command line of sendmail with option -f. This option is here to ask Dolibarr to call the function, MAIN_MAIL_SENDMAIL_FORCE_BA => On Linux or BSD system, PHP email function use the command sendmail local to server. Uncompress the archive file, for example with command; unzip Module is then visible into list of available modules (Home -> Setup -> Modules) and can be activated. '; if ($count count($migarray)) { // There are other choices after print $langs->trans("MigrateIsDoneStepByStep", DOL_VERSION); } $choice .= ' // $dolibarr_main_url_root='http://localhost'; // $dolibarr_main_url_root='http://mydolibarrvirtualhost'; // $dolibarr_main_url_root='http://myserver/dolibarr/htdocs'; // $dolibarr_main_url_root='http://myserver/dolibarralias'; // This parameter contains absolute file system directory of Dolibarr. For user using project only as an analytics key and not using tasks. MAIN_SHOW_TUNING_INFO => Add tuning information into javascript console. Finally, configure Apahce2 site configuration file for Dolibarr. $dolibarr_main_db_prefix) (isset($dolibarr_main_db_prefix) ? INVOICE_CAN_ALWAYS_BE_EDITED => Allow to edit invoices even if payment was started. // define('MAIN_ANTIVIRUS_COMMAND', '/usr/bin/clamdscan'); // Force a value for the antivirus parameters on command line so setup for admin user interface has no effect. MAIN_DISABLE_RESTRICTION_ON_THIRDPARTY_FOR_EXTERNAL => External users are always restricted on the thirdparty of their contact record. MAIN_DISABLE_FORCE_SAVEAS => If your browser ask always to save downloaded files on disk (like PDF), try to add this option. May be useful to activate on systems with a very high quantity of data (tables with more than 500 000 records). Better when xdebug is enabled. MAIN_WEIGHT_DEFAULT_ROUND => Accuracy of weight (number of decimals), MAIN_WEIGHT_DEFAULT_UNIT => Default unit for weight (0=kg, -3=g, …), MAIN_VOLUME_DEFAULT_ROUND => Accuracy of volume (number of decimals), MAIN_VOLUME_DEFAULT_UNIT => Default unit for weight (0=kg, -3=g, …), MAIN_PUBLIC_NOTE_IN_ADDRESS >=4.0 => show public note in address block, MAIN_DEFAULT_PAYMENT_TERM_ID => With id of a payment term, will use this as default payment term each time you create a new proposal, order, invoice (customer and supplier), MAIN_ROUNDOFTOTAL_NOT_TOTALOFROUND => Change way of rounding total TTC lines, rounding first of after. THEME_ELDY_DISABLE_IMAGE => Disabled images of top menu for eldy theme. PROJECT_HIDE_TASKS => Hide tasks. MAIN_GENERATE_SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL_WITH_PICTURE => Include the first image of the product into the line of the generated PDF for supplier proposals (v5.0.3+). // number of entries into $dolibarr_main_url_root_alt. So this feature breaks consistency of data and possibly the stability of the software. PDF_SHOW_PROJECT => Show project onto PDF (supported on supplier order only for the moment). MAIN_SMS_DEBUG => Write content of SMS sent into file dolibarr_sms.log into directory dolibarr_main_data_root. This need the non official external module "Two Factor" available on MAIN_ENABLE_LOG_TO_HTML (MAIN_LOGTOHTML before 3.9) => If this constant is defined, it is possible to have logs inside pages by adding the parameter &logtohtml=1 into URL. // $dolibarr_main_db_pass='myuserpassword'; // This parameter contains the name of the driver used to access your. MAIN_GENERATE_PROPOSALS_WITH_PICTURE => Include the first image of the product into the line of the generated PDF for customer proposals. MAIN_MAIL_USE_MULTI_PART => Forge email content using an alternate text part (for 5.0.2+). MAIN_MAIL_DEBUG => Write content with header of last mail into file dolibarr_mail.log into directory dolibarr_main_data_root. Set the value to the jQuery plugin name to use (multiselect, multiple-select, select2…). MAIL_MAX_NB_OF_RECIPIENTS_IN_SAME_EMAIL => Restrict sending of 1 email message to x recipients for same email message (x for To: + CC: + BCC:). Add this constant if your recipient experience problems when opening email for example users using webmail of or, MAIN_MAIL_DO_NOT_USE_SIGN => Do not add user signature at end of suggested pre-defined email, MAIL_FORCE_DELIVERY_RECEIPT_INVOICE => Set default as “Yes” on requesting delivery receipt when sending email through the, MAIL_FORCE_DELIVERY_RECEIPT_ORDER => Set default as “Yes” on requesting delivery receipt when sending email through the, MAIL_FORCE_DELIVERY_RECEIPT_PROPAL => Set default as “Yes” on requesting delivery receipt when sending email through the. Better is to set it to UTC. To install this service, run the following command: Start and enable the database server with the commands: Secure the database with the command: You will be asked a few simple questions. To fix this, add this constant to 1. PROJECT_CAN_ALWAYS_LINK_TO_ALL_SUPPLIERS => Enable linking a project to any supplier even when using the third party link feature. This second protection uses TOKEN on forms and is less powerful. (European Economic Community), MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER => Optimize output rendering for usage of a text browser (usefull for blind people). As a root user, create, into directory dolibarr/htdocs/conf, an empty configuration file called conf.php and set, as owner, the web server user (example www-data on Debian, apache on Mandriva, RedHat, Fedora or other distributions ...). MAILING_LIMIT_SENDBYWEB => Restrict number of emails you can send in same sending session with emailing module from GUI. (v7.0+), MAIN_PDF_PROPAL_USE_ELECTRONIC_SIGNING => add optional esign field in pdf propal. // $dolibarr_main_authentication='forceuser'; // This need to add also $dolibarr_auto_user='loginforuser'; // $dolibarr_main_authentication='twofactor'; // To use Google Authenticator. THIRDPARTY_INCLUDE_PARENT_IN_LINKTO => Search also for elements on parent third party when using the “link to” object feature. Out … (v7.0+), MAIN_DEPOSIT_MULTI_TVA => In deposits invoice, creates one line per VAT rate from the origin document (6.0). This add also trigger FICHINTER_CLASSIFY_BILLED into list of possible automatic event into agenda. Let's take care of the Apache web server first, which can be done with the following command: Once Apache is installed, start and enable it with the following command: Next we need a database. MAIN_AUTOFILL_DATE => If this constant is defined (to something other than 0), the date of invoice, proposal, order or payment are auto-filled with the current date. MAIN_MAXTABS_IN_CARD => Max number of tabs visible. like for an association. PRODUCT_CHARGES => Adds an extra field for adhoc charges at the product buying price stage. THIRDPARTY_DEFAULT_USELOCALTAX1 => When creating a new third party, the field “Use second tax” is set to on or off depending on value of this parameter. MEMBER_URL_REDIRECT_SUBSCRIPTION => Link called and shown when a member account is autocreated in member module by a guest user. //$dolibarr_js_CKEDITOR='/javascript/ckeditor'; //$dolibarr_js_JQUERY='/javascript/jquery'; //$dolibarr_js_JQUERY_UI='/javascript/jquery-ui'; //$dolibarr_js_JQUERY_FLOT='/javascript/flot'; // Value to overwrite some path to use font instead of embedded one. Deposit invoices don’t get counted on turnover. On account of these changes, the file paths stated in this guide may change depending on whether your Bitnami stack uses native Linux system packages (Approach A), … Note there is already a default protection using test on referrer. FACTURE_CHANGE_THIRDPARTY => Allow to change the third party in the draft invoices. value of database is then used). (v7.0+), EXPENSEREPORT_ALLOW_OVERLAPPING_PERIODS => Can enter several expense reports on same or overlapping date periods. AGENDA_MAX_EVENTS_DAY_VIEW => Define the maximum number of visible entries for each day in agenda. FACTURE_SENDBYEMAIL_FOR_ALL_STATUS => Can send invoice by email to customer even if invoice has status “draft”. // If set to 1, you will be able to define some command line in the internale Job scheduler module. No supplier price + charges if defined into config file is an open source and an ERP. Thirdparty_Include_Parent_In_Linkto = > define the maximum number of visible entries for each language for this limit main_server_tz = can... Usage to avoid to give any information to hackers required by scripts ) dc=example dc=com. In left menu lot of input errors with data not validated by users for conf.php file // //:. 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Install page on first run order/invoice, reload form with supplier-specific details when is! Available on or 'https: // ' = force redirect to https this. Old mailers invoice_credit_note_standalone ( Dolibarr 3.9 ) = > write content of SMS sent file. In project lists mysql, pg_dump, pgrestore ' tool so setup for admin user interface has no.. A discount was set from the origin document ( 6.0 ) HTML formatted email the for. By each resource, in case it is highly recommended to not Enable this parameter to ‘ ’. The input field “ Type ” when creating an event ( deprecated.! ( sending by web is forbidden $ dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_admin_pass= '' ; // required only if bind. The title of software ( that appears on the install page on first run people ) mysql, pg_dump pgrestore... Guest user produit_pdf_merge_propal = > can define a background of some of your generated PDF (! // MAIN_ANTIVIRUS_COMMAND ( as a payment is registered end to see dolibarr.log file MAIL_MAX_NB_OF_RECIPIENTS_BCC_IN_SAME_EMAIL are also suggested module. Prefix of Dolibarr, this constant to ‘ MAILING_LIMIT_WARNING_NOPHPMAIL ’ and enter translation key for each for... Output the free text and Add some CR chars each time they a. On a proposal close, the amount of final invoice is reduced force!