In 1938 he sponsored the Civil Aeronautics Act, which transferred the federal civil aviation responsibilities from the Department of Commerce to a new independent agency, the Civil Aeronautics Authority. One of the primary purposes of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 is to promote "the highest degree of safety" in air transportation.' 1942; Attorney, CAB, 1943 to date. 29, 1942 77TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CHS. The Civil Aeronautics Act of June 23, 1938, established an independent Civil Aeronautics Authority "to promote the development and safety and to provide for the regulation of civil aeronautics." L. REV. 776 (Civil Aeronautics Act of the Philippines), subsequently enacted on June 20, 1952, did not alter the character of the CAA's objectives under Exec, Order 365. The Civil Aeronautics Board yes terday ordered American Export Lines, Inc., of New York, a steam ship company, to divest itself of control of American Export Airlines, Inc. Basing its decision on a construc tion of section 408