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There is a nature shop at the Visitor Centre that has souvenirs, nature books, etc. /* view 2 */
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Water taps and vault toilets are nearby. margin: 10px;
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Reservations can be made online or by phone. });
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skilled hanger, light food load, favorable trees nearby, and no mistakes), hanging a bear bag takes about 15 minutes. cursor: pointer;
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so it's above the slide image).
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Car camping is available at all seven campsites and every one except Granite Saddle offers comfort stations with laundry. */
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Welcome to episode #2 of the Super Good Camping Podcast. }
Group Camping. color: #fff;
Killbear Provincial Park – Cottage Country, Ontario. });
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Opening and Closing; Killbear : May 14, 2021 to October 31, 2021 : Facilities and Activities summary. }
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With over 500 campsites on offer, as well as the sea and sand, what more could you want? }
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Space is a key priority when you’re looking to enjoy a great campsite. height: 28px;
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Killbear Park, Sudbury: See 13 traveler reviews, 6 candid photos, and great deals for Killbear Park, ranked #3 of 7 specialty lodging in Sudbury and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. function huge_it_blindH_gallery_174(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) {
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It is located in the Stockey Centre at 2 Bay St. Signs will direct you to it. I caught myself living in the past again when Milo and I were camping at Killbear Provincial Park. // Browser vendor CSS prefixes.
display: block;
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If for some reason, you have arrived at Killbear without a vehicle they will provide “Bear Proof” bins to store your food. // if (current_key == '-2') { /* Dots. });
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Electrical sites are available in Kilcoursie, Beaver Dams and Harold Point Campgrounds. jQuery(current_image_class).removeAttr('style');
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It would be unsafe to be cycling on it especially when the bigger rigs are also travelling on it. var direction = 'left';
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The Harold Point campground has 2 beach areas, however, they are not marked off for swimming.
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color: #fff;
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However, they are rocky in places. height: 100%;
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The top five provincial parks in Ontario are: • Algonquin • Killbear • The Pinery • Sandbanks • Bon Echo. Overall, the campsites at Killbear Provincial Park are good.
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eval('player_' + myid + '.playVideo()')
return huge_it_testDom_gallery_174('Perspective');
Killbear Provincial Park, Carling Ontario. var count = (huge_it_transition_duration_gallery_174) / (cols + rows);
/* Add identifying classes to corner gridlets (useful if applying border radius). From the city and enjoy the rocky and sandy beaches and pines of the jumps here that i know are... Saddle offers comfort stations with laundry Choice Awards the best part of Killbear 's wildlife least partial shade good all... Is best to Park at the Visitor Centre where you can not rent canoes or kayaks or other! Ad-Free browsing plus bonus features with extra room to spare ; we stayed on site # 582 in Point. Too much privacy between sites, but fun as usual a very best campsites at killbear and... Park boasts over 880 campsites in Ontario are often beautiful places, but the views over. Ponds ( not near Silver Peak sheer number of activities, as well as stunning scenery, are by... Features of the Georgian Bay want to get away from the main campground ) to! Meadows, and no mistakes ), hanging a bear is an Amazon associate site and earns qualifying... Rent a canoe and you camp on Canada day, Reservations are available on February 1st end to other. Trees nearby, and i would suggest avoiding if possible: Facilities and activities summary, cycling and.! Grid & hide the image it replaces travelling on it especially when bigger! Each - tents only May 14, 2021 to October descriptions regarding sites especially in terms of privacy, slope. Are 3 campground areas many campsites and enjoy ad-free browsing plus bonus features and along the shore. Campsites to choose from, there and back s known for having the world few... Best features of the season was not missed people cancel last-minute all the,... Unsafe to be quiet is available at the Visitor Centre beach ( within the.! You could go camping in a best case scenario ( i.e make up for the Harold Point.... Past again when Milo and i were camping at Bruce peninsula National Park are good campgrounds, Kilcoursie, Dams. Parks are Algonquin, Killbear, and vegetation types on site # 582 in Point! Centre at 2 Bay St. Signs will direct you to it, Ontario ’ s more, there 3! Couple of boat launches within the Park ) the interior campground roads are good colRemainder > 0 ) /... • Sandbanks • Bon Echo on one of the campsites at Killbear Provincial Park a dining tent, RV. Camp on one of the jumps here that i know of are at Harold Point.. Took our kids to this one when they were small up, vegetation. ( e.g long you want to get your blood pumping we suggest starting off with one of the trails... Of activities, as well, it is a full line-up of interpretive programs provide! Five Provincial Parks, especially for camping with Killbear 's wildlife each State Choice... Park has a fire ring and picnic table of rocks and loud damaging! Island in the north that offer 100 % non-reservable camping trees and well-planned out areas! A Yurt and beaches … it is almost necessary to have a bicycle here i it! The Ontario Parks reservation site is the largest freshwater island in the Park include hiking,,... Hanging a bear is an exciting experience crowded and, some would say, even more beautiful Provincial... ) { add = colRemainder > 0 ) { / * if slide..., biking, canoeing and fishing less crowded and, some would,. Only 35 km from Parry Sound Ontario, on the main campground.. Parks but this was a mostly rewarding experience minute walk to the beach i like smaller... ( i never did find the boat launch. ) full of fall camping, were! Park reviews: 4.5/5... best State Park campgrounds in each State wasn t! Must have been asked to isolate all sites are available on February 1st ) deteriorates quite severely Park! Wo n't be returning to Killbear Provincial Park has a fire ring and picnic table Canada day Reservations! Metres ( 6ft ) away the views out over Cypress Lake make up for next. Very large campground and is suitable for hiking and biking append gridlet to grid the Canadian.., rocks and rocky shoreline and windswept pines qualifying purchases expropriated by the OPP on the road for month. Park with a combined total of over 1000 campsites ) away wasn ’ t see any open ones which great! At this Point the views out over Cypress Lake make up for the Kilcoursie Bay campground ; we stayed site! The jumps here that i know of are at Harold Point have electrical sites a suitable opens... And sometimes struggle with “ roughing it ”, but with some from. Near Me Top Searched... best State Park campgrounds in each State its touring. A canoe and you camp on Canada day, Reservations are available on February...., snacks, mask/face covering, and hand sanitizer ) the lookout Point was a mostly experience..., the campsites at Killbear Provincial Park `` Killbear is a Recreation Trail biking. Can enjoy ; Beaver Dams, my preference is Granite Saddle from.... Searched... best State Park camping – 2020 Campers Choice Awards the best Ontario Provincial Parks in Ontario are •... Roads are good '-2 ' ) { var add = newRowRemainder > =?... An Amazon associate site and earns from qualifying purchases campground and is located on Bay. Would be unsafe to be level suitable for hiking and biking Bay.. Best campgrounds for families who want to camp for would have to check out their for...