Google is owned by Google Corporation, which also offers online advertising technologies, cloud computing and other software services such as Gmail, office suite, instant messaging and more. However, adoption of the internet was slower in China (in comparison to a number of Western nations) and as internet penetration increased, technology had already advanced to the point where the smartphone was equally as accessible. In China. Baidu vs Google: The Main Difference is Accessibility Baidu is China’s Google. Baidu has always been critiqued as being a Google copycat, and the similarities are certainly present. Whilst this should be a given, also take note to translate structural content such as widgets, sidebars, menus, footers, and important in-image text. This may be due in part to it being blocked by the Great Firewall in China, but even before the block was put in place, they never had a very strong position. By looking at Baidu – top Chinese website and search engine – and Google – US top website and search engine – the similarities are staggering both regarding how they work and how their business model is organized. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Instead, local search engines rule in China. Is Bing Better Than Google? Baidu Vs. Google. Google Feud Game. In Baidu, when a participant searched for Shanghai Museums, 4 of the top 6 search results were Baidu properties: 2 Baidupedia (like Wikipedia) results, a Baidu Knowledge result, and a Baidu Maps result. The user-face is only available in Simplified Chinese, and the search results give priority to Chinese language sites. Whether you are a person who likes social media or not, if you're in business, there is a good chance that at some point you've considered FaceBook for your business. Baidu makes money primarily via online marketing services (advertising). She lives with her husband George Gill in Peterborough, ON Canada. Gain as many followers as possible as data correlates that for non-branded queries, Baidu takes into account the number of genuine page followers as a sign of authority. If you're asking worldwide, I doubt it will index more English articles and retrieve them faster than Google has. They have their own “Adwords” SEM product and then it operates in much the same way as Google Adwords. Involving herself in Social Media, Writing, Editing, and Support. This can also be bad for your performance reporting and conversions as Baidu overlays a prominent back button on the user view-port, which in all cases I’ve seen is more prominent than your site navigation. Mobile search (and indexing) has been important in search for a number of years, with more in the SEO industry taking action since Google announced and rolled out their Mobile-Friendly update. While Google is the dominant search engine in most countries, only 2.3% of all searches in China happen on the Western search giant. Baidu has always been critiqued as being a Google copycat, and the similarities are certainly present. The user-face is only available in Simplified Chinese, and the search results give priority to Chinese language sites. A key part of this is getting Baidu Tongji and Baidu Ziyuan installed correctly on your site. In fact, as I write this, Baidu accounts for 78.4% of search engine market share in … You need to support Google Pay/Apple Pay, as well as be optimized for a variety of manufacturers including Oppo. China hit a mobile internet access share of 66% by 2010, increasing to 90.1% by 2015 (sadly, no more up-to-date data exists for this statistic). Now, I say experience and not version as Baidu will remove any elements it determines not mobile-friendly. In fact, Baidu has dipped into a lot of markets ranging from Baijob (a job meta-search), Qunar (a travel meta-search), and IQiyi (a big entertainment streaming site) over the years. Update your Weibo page frequently, and not just sharing/copying content from other social media channels and your site. Follow Sina Weibo guidelines to have your page verified as official, as these tend to perform better in Search for both branded and non-branded phrases. Searchers look for necessary information by browsing different types of Naver's search results, such as the Q &A database, News search, Blog search, etc. Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Get our daily newsletter from SEJ's Founder Loren Baker about the latest news in the industry! However, to be successful in what is the world’s most populated country, your strategy needs to look beyond SEO and at how Chinese users engage with the internet. While Google, Bing, and Yahoo control the West’s market share of search engine traffic, alternative search engine Baidu is the king of search in China.If you. When it comes to search marketing in China, Baidu is a core component. In 2013, Alexander Sadovsky, the Head of Web Search at Yandex, announced that … An internet poll on Weibo suggested that 86 percent of users would pick Google over Baidu. Use Marketing & PR to Speed Up Baidu Indexing, Baidu SEO: Content Delivery, Speed & Accessibility, The State of Search Engine Marketing in China, The Biggest SEO Trends of 2021, According to 42 Experts, YATI & ERNIE: Machine Learning in Yandex and Baidu, 4 Key Takeaways from International SEO Conference Optimization, 4 Key SEO Considerations When Rebranding & Changing Domains, How to Prioritize SEO Initiatives for Greatest Business Impact, Baidu’s image AI isn’t yet at the same standard as Google’s, despite Baidu being, Baidu can still be influenced by meta keywords, so these should be optimized in the same way you’d optimize a page for. As of right now, Baidu houses the largest assortment of … The search engine is known for solid search results in addition to its social integration, especially, with the use of Google+. Baidu and Google have spent years establishing seemingly unassailable dominance in search. But China doesn’t have access to Google. Sign up to receive email updates weekly and to hear what’s going on with us! … While Google, Bing, and Yahoo control the West’s market share of search engine traffic, alternative search engine Baidu is the king of search in China. In fact, as I write this, Baidu accounts for 78.4% of search engine market share in China to Google’s 1.9% (Sogou comes in at 13.8%, Haosou at 2.2%, and Bing at 2%). Siteground is a hosting company (click to see Siteground's current offer) we often recommend, even though they tend to be … Continue Reading about Why is Siteground so Expensive vs Competitors, Successful businesses are built on exact, timely, and relevant data. Most believe they deserve to be at the top, and the … Continue Reading about Do You Have to Pay for Search Engine Optimization, With over 20 years in the digital marketing field, the number one approach to quickly generate the greatest impact on a business's results that I've witnessed has been accomplished through conversion rate … Continue Reading about How Important is Conversion Optimization to Your Business, Hosting your website is a very big deal for many reasons that we'll discuss in this article. We will show you the differences between Google and Baidu from the user's perspective. Baidu Vs. Google. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, or your mobile templates are a watered-down version of your desktop, you can take advantage of Baidu’s App Transcoding. Few non-Chinese language sites are ever included in the Baidu index or search engine results. It’s therefore important to understand that some users could, in theory, interact only with Baidu assets online, outside of viewing third-party sites. A strong Sina Weibo strategy can help your brand rank for topical and real-time queries (much like the Twitter carousel) but can also help take more real estate on SERPs for your brand searches. It leaned toward Bing having … Baidu is China’s number one search engine, but it is not quite ‘the Google of China’ hence, Google SEO strategies would not work the same. Backlink Traffic. Subscribe to our daily newsletter to get the latest industry news. Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions. Google's ML algorithms are highly sophisticated and optimized for English. I’m typically asked at the start of a campaign for companies who want to enter the Chinese market about the impact of Chinese social networks on SEO. When Google was still in China, its search results would often differ from Baidu… Such as Baidu Baike, an online encyclopedia, Baidu Music, an online music program and Baidu Map, a mapping application. For example, in ecommerce, a user will likely want to checkout without needing to take out their wallet. The third section of this guide compared the two search engines’ paid advertising services (Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising). Before going into the more intensive differences you’ll need to make to your strategy, there are some smaller ones to take into consideration, these being: A key difference between Baidu and Google is how Baidu goes about crawling and indexing websites. I'm Head of Research & Development at, a bespoke technical SEO consultancy with offices in the UK and the ... [Read full bio]. In this article, we’ll talk about developing your search marketing strategy for China and the key differences between two major search engines, Google and Baidu. For this difference, I tried searching “Search Engine” in all of these three search … Whilst WeChat and Sina Weibo are the more popular social networks in China, users also frequent online communities including LinkedIn and Tencent QQ. It already has. When it comes to SEO, I recommend investing in the Baidu platforms with unique content, as well as aiming for a good presence on Sina Weibo. (If you’re interested in Baidu SEO in general, I wrote this article previously and for the most part, not a lot has changed.). Google derives 90% of its revenue from search advertising. Google has the edge in current results. The first step in developing a Chinese search strategy is to understand how Chinese users interact with internet services, and we’re not just talking about web design considerations — although I will talk about this later. The user did visit one of the Baidu sites … Payment for high ranking in Baidu is just part of the story – natural Chinese search engine optimization is still important, because it contributes to the calculation for how much brands will pay. Few non-Chinese language sites are ever included in the Baidu index or search engine results. But the balance of power appears to be shifting. It’s the 6th largest internet company in the world and the 3rd largest in China with over 660 million active users. By establishing its presence, Baidu was able to relate to the local population and produce targeted search results. Lorie Gill is an integral member of the GILL Solutions Team. Baidu operates more than 50 different products ranging from Search through to Maps, an encyclopedia, and anti-virus. Baidu's search serves a much smaller customer base, which hamstrings its efforts somewhat. All content on Sina Weibo is indexed by Google and is used by the search engine to create rich-snippet-like content pieces within its search results pages. Another driver of this change is voice search. They also use (more) Baidu-owned platforms including Tieba, Zhihu, and Douban. This takes your page’s content from non-mobile-friendly pages and converts it into a mobile-friendly “experience.”. None of the Baidu websites, compared to 24% (12/50) of Google websites, were provided by public or health professional institutions. Baidu vs. Google in Search This increases the demand for your brand/website by generating searches and positive user signals. SnapSite - Best Website Hosting - WordPress Sites - Domain Names - Municipal Website Design | Political Website Builder Its advertisement business, AdWords, operates similarly to that of Baidu's, allowing advertisers to bid for priority on search results … There are a number of differences between the two search engines that will affect your strategy, and your Google strategy isn’t a one-size-fits-all when it comes to China. This means you could lose key images, content pieces, or importantly CTAs and conversion elements. Google vs Baidu Mobile Web Design When it comes to search marketing in China, Baidu is a core component. What Naver can, that Google can NOT. As per the latest mobile search … Most importantly can it be profitable … Continue Reading about Before You Start – Is Social Media Marketing Profitable, Every business I have ever spoken to has unanimously agreed, they would love to be on page one of Google for the keywords directly related to their business. She enjoys travelling, networking, fine art, reading & writing, smiling & laughing, cooking & most of all Family. Search Results. Ahead of embarking on any Chinese marketing strategy, it’s vital that you establish your measurable goals and how you’re going to track them. You should also note that Baidu’s search results pages often tend to heavily augment with their own properties, so getting high levels of traffic and engagement isn’t as simple as ranking in the linear 1 to 10. Baidu is notoriously bad when it comes to crawling JavaScript, so make sure that all your important content and links are served in plain HTML on both the mobile and desktop versions of your website. As a result, it’s vital that your mobile site is as capable as your desktop site in both technical and user performance. Since Google is the world’s most prevalent search engine, it’s a useful proxy for what piqued the world’s interest over the last 12 months. But before your business goes down the path of investing resources and budget into this marketing channel, you need to know what to expect. Google Inc. abruptly ceased most operations in mainland China in 2010 following cyber attacks against Gmail users and disagreements with the government over censorship of search results. Put your search engine knowledge to the test in Google Feud – the world’s first puzzle game based on internet searches. Tagged: ai, baidu, search engine, search engine marketing, what is baidu. Anecdotally, Baidu’s bots can be aggressive crawlers but when it comes to indexing, the search engine differs from Google. Google (GOOG) has claimed the top spot on Glassdoor's annual list of the 50 best places to work, as well as Fortune magazine's annual list of the 100 best companies to work for, multiple years. In fact, in 2017 Baidu made about $11.24 in online marketing services and a remaining almost $1.8 billion through other sources. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Google. For many popular search terms, Baidu will rank results by how much an advertiser is willing to pay for prominent placement. Results: Compared with websites on Google, more websites on Baidu were owned by manufacturers or retailers (15/50, 30% vs 33/50, 66%; P<.001). You can only hope to make the best business decisions if you have the information and insights necessary to support your strategy and your … Continue Reading about Most Important Metrics for Better Business Results, GILL Solutions Management 7901 4th St. N STE 4155 St. Petersburg, FL 33702, GILL Solutions Management 3080 Yonge Street, Suite 6060 Toronto, Ontario M4N-3N1, GILL Solutions Management P.O. Only Google smart speakers and Google Assistant-enabled devices use Google results for VPA responses, whereas Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Amazon’s Alexa all use Bing results. Learn more in this 9-point international SEO checklist. Due to the differences in user behavior and Baidu’s preference, developing a working strategy will involve stepping out of the SEO silo and working with other marketing channel stakeholders (which isn’t a bad thing!). International SEO requires a deep understanding of each of the markets in which you wish to do business. Play more Free Online Games. Technically, these pages are served by *, so won’t trigger your analytics tracking codes or event triggers. This also means that your website needs to work for the modern mobile user. Google will slowly index a website as it discovers URLs, but in Baidu, you can influence and speed up this process through marketing and PR. China has become a huge online market in the recent years since by the end of 2018, about 828.5 million people had access to the internet in China. Box 30024 RPO Chemong Peterborough, Ontario, K9H 7R4, Social Media Strategy and Deployment Certification, about Important Benefits of Facebook for Your Business, about Before You Start – Is Social Media Marketing Profitable, about Do You Have to Pay for Search Engine Optimization, about How Important is Conversion Optimization to Your Business, about Why is Siteground so Expensive vs Competitors, about Most Important Metrics for Better Business Results, Google’s growing suite of business and personal use applications, 6th largest internet company in the world and the 3rd largest in China, Baidu currently holds 7.54% of the global search engine market, Important Benefits of Facebook for Your Business, Before You Start – Is Social Media Marketing Profitable, Do You Have to Pay for Search Engine Optimization, How Important is Conversion Optimization to Your Business, Why is Siteground so Expensive vs Competitors, Most Important Metrics for Better Business Results. According to Statista, Baidu has an overall search market share of 73.8% of the Chinese market. Content should be in simplified Chinese. Inspired by Family Feud – a cult US television show, this version uses Google’s autocomplete suggestions instead of audience surveys as the basis for correct answers. Bing's results led to a Lifehacker analysis. Learn more here. Even Google remained a step behind with its knowledge of the local language(s). Google has a much higher share of mobile search traffic at 86.11%. Key differences between Google & Baidu affect how to optimize and develop an effective search marketing strategy for Baidu. Understanding what the benefits are, is an … Continue Reading about Important Benefits of Facebook for Your Business, We all know Social Media is popular. *Baidu’s search results allow brands to “pay their way to the top”, as, unlike Google, it blends paid results with organic listings. 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